- Total: 151133
- Accented (partial): 82121
- Accented (full): 14702
- Euro symbol: 81340
- Russian: 6332
- Greek: 37458
- Hebrew: 402
- Arabic: 1059
- Chinese: 212
- Japanese: 240
- Korean: 66
OpenTypePersonal use
Happy Beige
TrueTypePersonal use
OpenTypePersonal use
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OpenTypePersonal use
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How to install a font
Unzip file(s) downloaded.
Depending on the platform:
- Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista - right-click the font file and select INSTALL
- Mac OS X - double-click the font file and select INSTALL FONT
- Linux - copy the font file(s) to /USR/SHARE/FONTS