Abbey Medium Extended Font

Abbey family consisting of 3 fonts
Abbey Medium Extended TrueTypeFreeware


Author's note

Abbey Medium Extended is a captivating display font that exudes a touch of whimsy and elegance. The unique, organic-inspired letterforms effortlessly blend modern and vintage aesthetics, creating a visually striking and versatile typeface. The extended character set and gently curved strokes lend a sense of fluidity and movement, making it an ideal choice for branding, editorial design, and attention-grabbing headlines. This font's distinctive personality shines through in its playful yet sophisticated presentation, making it a valuable asset for designers seeking to infuse their projects with a touch of timeless charm.

Abbey Medium Extended's versatility extends beyond its aesthetic appeal. Its legibility and versatility make it suitable for a wide range of applications, from high-impact print materials to engaging digital interfaces. Whether crafting eye-catching logos, designing captivating book covers, or curating visually striking social media posts, this font's multifaceted character ensures it will leave a lasting impression on audiences.

Character map

Please use the pulldown menu to view different character maps contained in this font.
Basic Latin - charmap

Basic font information

Font family
Abbey Medium Extended
Font subfamily
Unique subfamily identification
Abbey-Medium Extended Regular:
Full font name
Abbey Medium Extended
Postscript font name
Trademark notice
Fantazia Fonts and Sounds

Extended font information

Platforms supported

MicrosoftUnicode BMP only

Font details

Glyph count121
Units per Em1000
Embedding rightsEmbedding for permanent installation
Family classNo classification
WeightMedium (normal)
Mac styleBold
DirectionOnly strongly left to right glyphs
Pattern natureRegular
PitchNot monospaced
Complete pack contains 3 font weights listed below:
Abbey-Medium Astigmatic TrueTypeFreeware
Abbey Medium Lefty TrueTypeFreeware