BigNoodleTitling Oblique Font

BigNoodleTitling family consisting of 2 fonts
  • Accents (partial)
  • Euro

Character map

Please use the pulldown menu to view different character maps contained in this font.
Basic Latin - charmap

Basic font information

Copyright notice
Copyright (c) James Arboghast/Sentinel Type, 2003. All rights reserved. This font is free and distributable. You may: a) use it free of charge for any personal or commercial purpose, b) email it to anybody, upload it to archive sites & bulletin boards and include it in CD & software collections free of charge provided the documentation is intact. c) make derivative works from it but GET MY PERMISSION FIRST: You may not: a) charge money for it, b) make derivative works from it, rename it or claim it as your own work without my permission. Don't argue with me.
Font family
Font subfamily
Unique subfamily identification
JamesArboghast/SentinelType,: BigNoodleTitling Oblique: 2003
Full font name
BigNoodleTitling Oblique
Name table version
Version 1.1; 2003
Postscript font name
Trademark notice
Big Noodle Titling is a trademark of James Arboghast/Sentinel Type. ::. :.:: :..
Copyright (c) James Arboghast/Sentinel Type, 2003. All rights reserved. This font is free and distributable. You may: a) use it free of charge for any personal or commercial purpose, b) email it to anybody, upload it to archive sites & bulletin boards and include it in CD & software collections free of charge provided the documentation is intact. c) make derivative works from it but GET MY PERMISSION FIRST: You may not: a) charge money for it, b) make derivative works from it, rename it or claim it as your own work without my permission. Don't argue with me.

Extended font information

Platforms supported

MicrosoftUnicode BMP only

Font details

Glyph count235
Units per Em1000
Embedding rightsEmbedding for permanent installation
Family classSans serif
WeightMedium (normal)
Mac styleUnderline
DirectionOnly strongly left to right glyphs + contains neutrals
Pattern natureOblique
PostureExtra compressed
Stroke weightDemibold
PitchNot monospaced
Complete pack contains 2 font weights listed below:
BigNoodleTitling Website TrueTypePersonal use
  • Accents (partial)
  • Euro