DBA Muslim Regular
Author's note
DBA comes from "don't be afraid"
I'm really disturbed when the world is being Islamophobic... oh my god.. They think all terrorists are Muslim..
No! The fact is 6% of terrorist attack in US and 0.4% terrorist attack in Europe are Muslim. That was very tiny number.
I just wanna get my full right as world society and i can get all of appreciation of humanity and recognition of our community (i.e our people, religion, cultures, folks, traditions). I'm Indonesian Muslim, i see many differences between Indonesian Muslim and Middle East Muslim. We'r rather like Turkey, we are moderate Muslim. We live together with Christians, Catholics, Hindu, Buddhist, Kong Hu Chu, some other Jews in a peace. (Indonesia is anti with Atheism)
A = Crescent Moon and Star
B = Muslim (Boy)
C = Muslimah (Girl)
D = Ordinary Muslimah with Hijab
E = Stylish Muslimah with Hijab
F = Ninja Muslimah (hehehe) :D
G = Burq Muslimah
H = Mislimah without Hijab
I = Bad Muslimah
J = Masjid
K = Holy Quran
L = Holy Quran Portable Table
M = 'God' in Arabic
N = Mohammad in Arabic
O = Kabbah (the cube)
P = The Darvish of Sufism
Q = Tasbeh (helpful tool for Dzikr)
R = Sajdah (place to sujud)
S = Bottled Zamzam water
T = Palm Tree
DBA comes from "don't be afraid"
I'm really disturbed when the world is being Islamophobic... oh my god.. They think all terrorists are Muslim..
No! The fact is 6% of terrorist attack in US and 0.4% terrorist attack in Europe are Muslim. That was very tiny number.
I just wanna get my full right as world society and i can get all of appreciation of humanity and recognition of our community (i.e our people, religion, cultures, folks, traditions). I'm Indonesian Muslim, i see many differences between Indonesian Muslim and Middle East Muslim. We'r rather like Turkey, we are moderate Muslim. We live together with Christians, Catholics, Hindu, Buddhist, Kong Hu Chu, some other Jews in a peace. (Indonesia is anti with Atheism)
A = Crescent Moon and Star
B = Muslim (Boy)
C = Muslimah (Girl)
D = Ordinary Muslimah with Hijab
E = Stylish Muslimah with Hijab
F = Ninja Muslimah (hehehe) :D
G = Burq Muslimah
H = Mislimah without Hijab
I = Bad Muslimah
J = Masjid
K = Holy Quran
L = Holy Quran Portable Table
M = 'God' in Arabic
N = Mohammad in Arabic
O = Kabbah (the cube)
P = The Darvish of Sufism
Q = Tasbeh (helpful tool for Dzikr)
R = Sajdah (place to sujud)
S = Bottled Zamzam water
T = Palm Tree
Character map
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Basic font information
Copyright notice
Copyright Adien Gunarta 2011
Font family
DBA Muslim
Font subfamily
Unique subfamily identification
FontStruct DBA Muslim
Full font name
DBA Muslim Regular
Name table version
Version 1.0
Postscript font name
Trademark notice
FontStruct is a trademark of FSI FontShop International GmbH
Manufacturer name
“DBA Muslim” was built with FontStruct
Extended font information
Platforms supported
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 and onwards semantics, Unicode BMP only.
MicrosoftUnicode BMP only
Font details
Glyph count21
Units per Em1024
Embedding rightsEmbedding for preview & printing allowed
Family classSymbolic
WeightMedium (normal)
WidthMedium (normal)
Mac styleBold
DirectionOnly strongly left to right glyphs + contains neutrals
Pattern natureRegular