MM Dungeon Solid (FW) Font

Character map

Please use the pulldown menu to view different character maps contained in this font.
Private Use Area - charmap

Basic font information

Copyright notice
(C) 1999 Duane R. Haut II
Font family
MM Dungeon Solid (FW)
Font subfamily
MM Dungeon Solid (FW)
Unique subfamily identification
MM Dungeon Solid (FW)
Full font name
MM Dungeon Solid (FW)
Name table version
Version 2.00
Postscript font name
Trademark notice
Manufacturer name
Maze Maker Dungeon Solid (FW) v2.00
(C)1999 Duane Richard Haut II
Maze Maker fonts were originally designed to be used as an alternative to drawing out maps and mazes by hand for role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons®. But since their release, people have found other uses as well, such as designing graphics, borders, and creating tables to store information. What other uses might be found for them? Only your imagination can limit it....

Extended font information

Platforms supported


Font details

Glyph count114
Units per Em2048
Embedding rightsEmbedding for permanent installation
Family classSymbolic
WeightMedium (normal)
WidthMedium (normal)
Mac styleBold
DirectionMixed directional glyphs
Pattern natureRegular