Stretched Signature Flex Font

Stretched Signature family consisting of 3 fonts
Streche Signature Flex.ttf


Author's note

This font was conceived according my self signature that you can see in all my artwork in my blog as well street art writings, and the it can be used in diverses ways and artstylles, it can be used of the simplest the most sophisticated work until. Its more important characteristic is the flexibility of its connections, for being linked becomes infinitely flexible being able to transpose the limitations of any space.

Character map

Please use the pulldown menu to view different character maps contained in this font.
Basic Latin - charmap

Basic font information

Copyright notice
Typeface © Galdino Otten. All Rights Reserved
Font family
Stretched Signature Flex
Font subfamily
Unique subfamily identification
Stretched Signature Flex: Version 1.0
Full font name
Stretched Signature Flex
Name table version
Version 2.90 December 5, 2009
Postscript font name
Trademark notice
Stretched Signature Flex © Galdino Otten
This font was conceived according my self signature that you can see in all my artwork in my blog as well street art writings, and the it can be used in diverses ways and artstylles, it can be used of the simplest the most sophisticated work until. Its more important characteristic is the flexibility of its connections, for being linked becomes infinitely flexible being able to transpose the limitations of any space.

Extended font information

Platforms supported

MicrosoftUnicode BMP only
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 and onwards semantics, Unicode BMP only.

Font details

Glyph count93
Units per Em2048
Embedding rightsEmbedding for permanent installation
Family classNo classification
WidthMedium (normal)
Width typeNormal
Mac styleUnderline
DirectionOnly strongly left to right glyphs
Pattern natureRegular
PostureOblique, italic
Stroke weightBook, text, regular, etc.
PitchNot monospaced
Complete pack contains 3 font weights listed below:
Streche Signature Flex.ttf
Stretched Signature Ext Bold.ttf
Stretched Signature Best.ttf
Stretched Signature Ext Bold.ttf
Stretched Signature Best.ttf